What is the Best Flooring Option for our School Systems? It Depends…
Schools are the training ground and playground for our young ones. As they run through the hallways hardly any of them realize or appreciate what they are walking on. And they shouldn’t! There are better things for children to be doing other than thinking about their school’s flooring system.
However, school boards, principals and maintenance staff are very privy to the effects improper flooring can have on risk and liability of an educational environment, as well as for the organization’s bottom line. For decades, vinyl composite tile (VCT) has been installed in America’s schooling systems due to the affordability of the products, ease of installation and quick turnaround-time. What most school systems and municipalities have found is that the maintenance of VCT and laminate flooring systems ends up costing more than the entire purchase and installation of the product in the first place.
Typically, a VCT or laminate flooring installation will cost $2.00 – $3.00 per square foot. However, VCT and laminate flooring maintenance requires stripping and re-waxing every 6-12 months in order to be properly maintained and protected against degradation. Maintenance costs for each stripping and waxing evolution ranges between $0.50 and $1.00 per square foot. School systems very quickly realized that they were paying for their flooring system over and over again, each and every Summer and Christmas break.
Recently, school systems have been completely revamping their flooring systems, phase by phase, and installing epoxy and concrete flooring solutions in nearly all of their spaces. Flooring in schools needs to be easy to maintain and durable. Seamless epoxy flooring and concrete flooring are specifically designed to stand up to the heavy traffic imposed by these environments, are non-slip, and more aesthetic and pleasing to the eye than any other flooring system.
Epoxy and concrete flooring solutions have been rapidly becoming the industry standard for educational facilities due to their hassle-free installation. Educational organizations have realized it is better to pay a one-time investment for a seamless epoxy or concrete flooring installation in order to deduct all maintenance costs associated with the alternatives.
Blackrock Industrial specializes in the seamless and hassle-free installation of concrete flooring and epoxy flooring systems. Give us a call to find out how we can provide your establishment with a beautiful, permanent flooring solution and learn why we are the most trusted concrete and epoxy flooring contractor for South Florida’s school systems.